Do you frequently have to transport goods from one location to another? This is most probably the point at which your business is at it’s most vulnerable. It’s at this point that things can go wrong resulting in a direct and immediate dent in your profits and the longer-term loss that results in a damaged reputation. Securing your goods in transit by all available means is of the utmost importance. In many instances hiring additional security in the form of guards is not an option, it may be overkill or simply not within budget. Even if you do, sealing your goods with a cable tie or some tape may still lead to theft. The solution is high-quality security seals. One of the biggest advantages that our seals have over others is added room for barcodes and space for serial numbering. Bar coded security seals can be a game-changer when it comes to security. Here’s how:
Track and trace
By implementing a system of tracking and tracing goods in transit, you greatly reduce the odds of theft. Even if theft does occur, it will be much easier to determine the location and potentially pinpoint those involved. This does, however, depend on enforcing check-in points and monitoring goods in transit. Barcoded seals can be scanned as they reach a location. This will keep you up to date on the progress; it will also allow you keep track of the personnel on the job. By knowing who was in charge of a specific shift you will be able to more easily narrow down potential suspects if goods do go missing.
Unique Seals
Bar coded security seals or seals with serial codes are unique. A dishonest employee might think it easy to break a seal in order to gain entry to goods and then replace it with another. This is simply not possible with bar coded security seals as no two are alike and tampering can easily be determined at the next checkpoint. Furthermore, knowing that each seal will be scanned is often enough to dissuade potential thieves from even trying. This is a great extra layer of preventative security that works well to help in stopping theft in the first place.
Relative to many other additional means of security, bar coded security seals come in at a lower price. TruSeal manufactures a wide range of seals for almost every business – Cargo, cash in transit, jewellery, documents, larger goods, trucks, and many more. While inexpensive, bar coded security seals can be highly effective in helping to protect your goods.
Get in touch with us so that we can assist in finding the best bar coded security seal solution for your business.