Many applications favor the use of security seals over locks.
Tamper Evidence
Security seals are designed to be tamper-evident and will reveal attempt’s to be forcibly defeated. Each security seal is serially numbered and can’t be rebuilt as they are unique and made to show evidence of tampering.
With the exception of high-security locking systems, most locks can be bypassed very quickly by picking or be forcibly defeated with readily available hand tools.
Replacement locks are easily obtained and the parts can also be used to reconstruct or replace the defeated lock entirely.
There are many applications where knowing that tampering has occurred may be more useful and practical than trying to stop it, as in the example of tampering with over-the-counter pharmaceuticals or consumer food products.
Key Control
If locks are used to secure valuables, the key or combination must be available at the receiving location. Locks operated with keys would require a complicated and expensive key-control program to control the keys. The lock is vulnerable if the key or combination is compromised on route. Security seals don’t require keys or combinations to operate and once applied, have to be destroyed to be removed.
Security seals are a cost-effective security solution and are usually less expensive than locks.
Security seals are typically easier and faster to remove which can improve security and making certain of operational effectiveness.
Locks are usually heavier than security seals, which can be particularly important for air cargo shipments and courier packages.
Security seals give security personnel a reason to carefully inspect containers and surrounding areas, with a potential improvement to overall security, integrity and control of your entire supply chain systems.
Operating Conditions
Many seals are more resistant to corrosion than locks and seals may perform better under extreme environmental conditions where a lock may fail to operate properly.
Security seals are available in various forms, lengths and thicknesses and are made from different materials specific to the application, either acting to be tamper-evident or as a barrier whilst being tamper-evident at the same time.