In the fast-paced logistics industry, time is of the essence. With the growing reliance on road transport and increasing security threats, it is important to ensure that moveable goods are transported securely and efficiently. This is where tamper-indicative security seals come in, providing a valuable solution to save time and eliminate the risk of theft or tampering.
Brent Cramer, Director of TruSeal (Pty) Ltd, emphasises the importance of like-minded partnerships in the logistics industry. Together with a shared commitment to on-time delivery, tamper-evident security seals can help ensure that goods are transported safely and quickly.
Here are five ways that security seals can contribute to saving valuable minutes in the logistics industry:
1. Highly tamper-indicative: TruSeal security seals are designed to be highly tamper-evident, providing a quick inspection to alert if theft or tampering has occurred. This saves valuable time in identifying potential issues and addressing them immediately.
2. Barcoded Security Seals: Barcode numbers on security seals can be easily scanned into a database system, saving time and eliminating the risk of human error associated with manual recording. This provides a more efficient and accurate way of tracking moveable goods.
3. Customisable: TruSeal security seals can be customised according to a range of colours and print options to fit client branding requirements. This provides a seamless and professional appearance for moveable goods, while barcodes can also be added for electronic capturing.
4. Local Printing Facilities: TruSeal products can be customised for South Africa’s unique commercial and industrial environment while also being readily available to the logistics industry at short notice. This ensures a quick turnaround time and minimises delays in transporting goods.
5. Accountability System: Security seals from TruSeal create an entire accountability system, enhancing efficiency and timesaving throughout the entire process of transporting goods. This creates a sense of ownership among individuals in the custodial chain, preventing theft and tampering.
TruSeal’s full range of sealing solutions includes tamper-indicative security seals, security bags, key wallets, pouches, security envelopes, and heavy-duty bulk cash sacks. Their Johannesburg-based plant stocks a full range of sealing solutions for each type of trucking application, including tankers, cold storage, warehousing, delivery vehicles, tipper trucks, and cash-in-transit.
The TruSeal security seal system incorporates PVC bags, which creates collective responsibility around moveable items like cash, cargo, fast-moving consumer goods, high-value electronic products, other valuable commodities, and transported goods. Unique numbers and identifying marks on security seals create an audit trail that prevents theft and tampering.
In conclusion, like-minded partnerships with a shared commitment to on-time delivery are crucial in the logistics industry. Tamper-indicative security seals provide a valuable solution to ensure that goods are transported safely and efficiently, ultimately saving valuable time and eliminating the risk of theft or tampering.