Our wide range of Security Bags

Our Security Bags are used to secure cash, keys, valuables, till trays and documents

More info about TruSeal Security Bags

Sealed Security Bags are a small but vital part of a comprehensive security solution for many companies and industries in South Africa. They help to prevent and discourage unauthorised access to sensitive documents, keys, cash, tills, and other valuables. Security bags and seals used in conjunction with an implemented security system are effective at preventing trained individuals tampering with or accessing secured items, only if the seals are used correctly and if proper procedures are in place and have been followed. TruSeal works to minimise the security risks for you by offering high-quality, simple to use products by using the latest design and manufacturing technology.

Mining, utilities, banks, retailers, cash-in-transit, logistics and transportation companies have come to rely on TruSeal security bags for their durability, their dependable high-quality, and their fail-safe seal technology.

Security Seals need to be more than securing mechanisms and should provide evidence of any tampering as a further security measure. When seals are removed, they are broken off, thus destroying the security seals tag, which means the seals cannot be resealed after being opened. Even if the seal is completely replaced, this will be evident as they are uniquely numbered and/or barcoded. Each bag can be sealed either by sequentially numbered seals, by barcoded seals, or locked by padlock with the unique TruSeal padlock locking chamber.

TruSeal Security Bags are durable, made of tough PVC, and designed for reuse without impairment of their protective function.

Once-off use Plastic Drop-Safe Bags and Stop-Loss Security Bags are also available. Once-off use Stop-Loss Tamper-Evident Security Bags use a reliable special security seal which shows evidence of tampering if attacked by heating or freezing, solvents, moisture or mechanically.

TruSeal CIT Bulk Cash Bags are used for transportation of large amounts of cash, notes and coins. These are made from heavy-duty PVC Nylon, and sealed with the TruSeal designed steel pin and washer.

Because TruSeal is the largest manufacturer of security bags in South Africa, we can offer clients customised products manufactured at high-quality standards, with a fast turn-around time and at the right price.